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Welcome to Espace Leela

Welcome to Espace Leela


Reiki and Meditation invite you to reconnect with your essence, continue to grow, open your heart and feel balance, peace and love within yourself.

This space was been created to explore the Reiki method in all its dimensions, opening a new consciousness.

In a sincere, respectful and loving environment, the Espace Leela allows each one to continue growing at their own pace, discovering their own unique truth, inspiring people to live their life to the fullest.

It was also created to share my experiences, transmit what has helped me understand life, and begin to live it in a more intense and deeper way.

Through the "l'Espace Leela" I share everything that has "nurtured" me, and which allows me to live my life with love, trust and smile ...

Espace Leela would be delighted to extend his energy field to new people and places.

Sessions and workshops can be translated or done either in spanish or in english. 

You're interested to participate at a workshop/Retreat or organise it ? Don't hesitate to contact Gyslaine

What is Reiki ?

The technique is based on channelling the universal life energy by means of touch, either in the auric field or on the physical body, to activate the natural "healing processes" of the body and restore physical and emotional well-being.

If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are living in the flow of health, vitality and happiness.

This experience will bring you a new body "awareness", deep relaxation and a feeling of inner peace and stress free!

Reiki Sessions

Reiki sessions help to connect with the body and the life that flows in it, to find the innate internal force.

Reiki sessions are also very apreciated by many people in cancer treatment, schlerosis, fibromyalgia... as well as pregnant ladies.

Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive way to help manage symptoms and smoothe fears and anxiety.
Postpartum Reiki session help also to promote emotional balance to the new mother. 
A typical Reiki session last approximately 60 minutes.
Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. 

It can be beneficial to plan a quiet evening and time for you to be open and in touch with any insights you may experience as your body continues to process the Reiki session.

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Reiki Training Courses

Open your mind and open your heart with a week full of inspiration and practical tools to enhance your quality of life! 

To learn the method and share it.

To discover and open up to the "world of energy",

and continue to grow towards a deep personal transformation, towards your true self.

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Individual sessions are offered in English.

 Simultaneous translation can be done during workshop 

" We are all beads, strung together on the same thread of love " - Amma

Who am i ?

I began practicing Reiki in 2001 in Spain, where i was living at that time.

For many years, my own inner journey led me to experience a wide variety of therapeutic and holistic healing methods as well as different meditation technics.

I've never stopped working on feeling and opening myself to deeper and deeper layers of my own consciousness.

gained a deeper understanding of the energy world and how we are connected to that field, working on my own body and getting in touch with my emotions.

teach through my own experience, in an intuitive, respectful and carring approach. I spread and share what i have learned and integrated and what has changed  my life.

I use Meditation and Personal Development tools into my teaching as my understanding of Reiki goes beyond a "practice to heal the others" ! It gives a real oportunity to keep on "growing", brings more awareness into our lives, more balance and a deep feeling of peace in our heart.

After 19 years living abroad and travelling around the world, i came back in  France in 2008 and settled down in Paris where i felt the need of sharing my experiences by leading workshops, organizing "Reiki & Méditation" Retreat and offering individuals Reiki sessions.

Since 2016, Individual Sessions and Reiki Training workshops are in Auvergne (Close to Clermont Ferrand). The "Phil & Flo" Annual Retreat takes place in different places -

check the "Calendar" for more information.

i hope i will have the pleasure to meet you soon!



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Certified as:

- Reiki Master with Ketan Raventos & Himani Gerber

- "Osho Active Méditation facilitator "- with Garimo Ackermman from Osho international Pune. 

- "Osho Family Constellation and Trauma Healing "- Advanced Certificate - with Svagito Liebermester.   

- EFT practitioner with MP. Glenisson

- "Surrender Method" practitioner with Seymour Brussel and Dr Rodolphe Meyer.

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